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Action Magazine of Cleveland was a successful free weekly publication in the 1980s.
Here's a version from April 1983.
NOTE: Rather than opening one page at a time, you can click "CTRL +"
succesively on this page until the images fill the screen. Then scroll
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Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p235

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p236

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p237

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p238

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p239

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p240

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p241

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p242

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p243

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p244

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p245

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p246

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p247

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p248

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p249

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p250

Action Magazine Cleveland, April 1983 p251

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